

  • 1. General Provisions 总则 9
  • 1.1 Definitions 定义 9
  • 1.2 Interpretation 解释 18
  • 1.3 Communications 通讯 19
  • 1.4 Law and Language 法律和语言 20
  • 1.5 Priority of Documents 文件的优先次序 20
  • 1.6 Contract Agreement 合同协议 21
  • 1.7 Assignment 转让 21
  • 1.8 Care and Supply of Documents 文件的保管和提供 22
  • 1.9 Confidentiality 保 密 性 22
  • 1.10 Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents 业主使用承包商的文件 24
  • 1.11 Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents 承包商使用业主的文件 25
  • 1.12 Not Used 不使用 26
  • 1.13 Compliance with Laws 遵守法律 26
  • 1.14 Joint and Several Liability 共同的与各自的责任 26
  • 1.15 Prior Work 前期工作 27
  • 2. The Employer 业主 27
  • 2.1 Right of Access to the Site 进入现场的权利 27
  • 2.2 Permits, Licences or Approvals 许可、执照和批准 28
  • 2.3 Employer’s Personnel 业主的人员 29
  • 2.4 Not used 不使用 29
  • 2.5 Employer’s Claims 业主的索赔 29
  • 3. The Employer’s Administration 业主的管理 30
  • 3.1 The Employer’s Representative 业主代表 30
  • 3.2 Other Employer’s Personnel 业主的其它人员 31
  • 3.3 Delegated Persons 授权人员 31
  • 3.4 Instructions 指示 32
  • 3.5 Determinations 决定 33
  • 4. The Contractor 承包商 34
  • 4.1 Contractor’s General Obligations 承包商的一般义务 34
  • 4.2 Bank Securities 银行担保 36
  • 4.3 Contractor’s Representative 承包商的代表 38
  • 4.4 Subcontractors 分包商 39
  • 4.5 Nominated Subcontractors 指定分包商 40
  • 4.6 Co-operation 合作 41
  • 4.7 Setting Out 放线 45
  • 4.8 Safety Procedures 安全措施 45
  • 4.9 Quality Assurance 质量保证 46
  • 4.10 Site Data 现场数据 46
  • 4.11 Sufficiency of the Contract Price 合同价格的充分性 47
  • 4.12 Unforeseeable Difficulties 不可预见的困难 47
  • 4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities 道路通行权和设施 48
  • 4.14 Avoidance of Interference 避免干扰 48
  • 4.15 Access Route 进场路线 48
  • 4.16 Transport of Goods 货物的运输 49
  • 4.17 Special Tools and Test Equipment 特殊工具和试验设备 50
  • 4.18 Protection of the Environment 环境保护 50
  • 4.19 Electricity, Water, Coal and other Consumables 电、水、煤炭和其它消耗品 50
  • 4.20 Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material 业主的设备和免费提供的材料 51
  • 4.21 Progress Reports 进度报告 52
  • 4.22 Security of the Site 现场保安 55
  • 4.23 Contractor’s Site Supervision 承包商的现场监督 55
  • 4.24 Fossils 化石 56
  • 4.25 Contractor’s Specific Warranties 承包商的特殊担保 56
  • 4.26 Coordination Meetings 协 调 会 议 57
  • 4.27 Tropical Serviceability 热带适用性 58
  • 4.28 Old Materials 旧材料 58
  • 5. Design 设计 59
  • 5.1 General Design Obligations 一般设计义务 59
  • 5.2 Contractor’s Documents 承包商的文件 59
  • 5.3 Contractor’s Undertaking 承包商的承诺 62
  • 5.4 Technical Standards and Regulations 技术标准和规范 62
  • 5.5 Training 培训 63
  • 5.6 As-Built Documents 竣工文件 63
  • 5.7 Operation and Maintenance Manuals 操作和维护手册 64
  • 5.8 Design Error 设计错误 64
  • 5.9 Warranties Unaffected 不受影响的担保 64
  • 5.10 No Duty of Care or Liability Imposed on the Employer 业主无照管 或责任 66
  • 6. Staff and Labour 职员和劳工 67
  • 6.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour 职员和劳工的雇用 67
  • 6.2 Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour 工资标准和劳动条件 67
  • 6.3 Persons in the Service of Others 为他人提供服务的人员 68
  • 6.4 Labour Laws 劳动法 68
  • 6.5 Working Hours 工作时间 68
  • 6.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour 为职员和劳工提供的设施 69
  • 6.7 Health and Safety 健康和安全 69
  • 6.8 Contractor’s Superintendence 承包商的监 督 70
  • 6.9 Contractor’s Personnel 承包商的人员 70
  • 6.10 Records of Contractor’s Personnel and Equipment 承包商的人员和设备的记录 71
  • 6.11 Disorderly Conduct 妨碍治安的行为 71
  • 7. Plant, Materials and Workmanship 永 久设备、材料和工艺 71
  • 7.1 Manner of Ex e cution 实施方式 71
  • 7.2 Samples 样本 71
  • 7.3 Inspection 检查 72
  • 7.4 Testing 试验 73
  • 7.5 Rejection 拒 收 75
  • 7.6 Remedial Work 补救工作 75
  • 7.7 Ownership of Plant and Materials 永久设备和材料的所有权 76
  • 7.8 Royalties 使用费 76
  • 7.9 Liens 留置权 77
  • 7.10 Spare Parts Prior to Taking Over 接收前的备件 78
  • 7.11 Spare Parts After Taking Over 接收后的备件 79
  • 8. Commencement, Delays and Suspension 开工、延误和暂停 80
  • 8.1 Commencement of Works 工程的开工 80
  • 8.2 Date for Completion 竣工日期 80
  • 8.3 Programme 进度计划 81
  • 8.4 Extension of Date for Completion 竣工时间的延长 82
  • 8.5 Not Used. 不使用 83
  • 8.6 Rate of Progress 进展速度 83
  • 8.7 Delay Damages 误期损害赔偿费 84
  • 8.8 Suspension of Work 工程暂停 85
  • 8.9 Consequences of Suspension 暂停的结果 86
  • 8.10 Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension 暂停时永久设备和材料的支付 86
  • 8.11 Prolonged Suspension 延长暂停 87
  • 8.12 Resumption of Work 恢复工程 87
  • 8.13 The Civil Detail Design Liquidated Damages 土建施工设计延期违约金 87
  • 9. Tests on Completion 竣工试验 88
  • 9.1 Contractor’s Obligations 承包商的义务 88
  • 9.2 Delayed Tests 延误的试验 93
  • 9.3 Retesting 重新试验 93
  • 9.4 Failure to Pass Tests on Completion 未能通过竣工试验 93
  • 9.5 Guaranteed Performance Levels 担保性能水平 96
  • 9.6 Minimum Performance Levels 最低性能水平 96
  • 9.7 Not Used. 不使用。 96
  • 9.8 Creation of Punch List 编制竣工核查事项清单 96
  • 10. Employer’s Taking Over 业主接收 99
  • 10.1 Taking Over of the Works and Sections 工程和工段接收 99
  • 10.2 Interface with Test on Completion 竣工试验接口 102
  • 11. Defects Liability 缺陷责任 103
  • 11.1 Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects 完成未完成工程和补救缺陷 103
  • 11.2 Cost of Remedying Defects 补救缺陷成本 103
  • 11.3 Extension of Defects Notification Period 缺陷通知期延长 104
  • 11.4 Failure to Remedy Defects 未能补救缺陷 105
  • 11.5 Removal of Defective Work 缺陷工程拆除 106
  • 11.6 Further Tests 另行试验 106
  • 11.7 Right of Access 出入权 106
  • 11.8 Contractor to Search 承包商查找 106
  • 11.9 Performance Certificate履约证明 107
  • 11.10 Unfulfilled Obligations 未尽义务 107
  • 11.11 Clearance of Site 工地清场 108
  • 11.12 Spare Parts Consumed and/or Needed During Defects Notification Periods 缺陷责任期内消耗和/或所需的备件 108
  • 11.13 Plant Availability 设备可用性 109
  • 12. Tests after Completion 竣工后试验 109
  • 13. Variations and Adjustments 变更与调整 109
  • 13.1 Right to Vary 变更权 109
  • 13.2 Contractor’s Right to Submit Proposal 承包商提交建议权 109
  • 13.3 Variation Procedure 变更程序 110
  • 13.4 Payment in Applicable Currencies 以适用的货币支付 110
  • 13.5 Provisional Sums 不可预见费用 111
  • 13.6 Daywork 日工 112
  • 13.7 Adjustments for Changes in Legislation立法变更的调整 113
  • 13.8 Adjustments for changes in Cost 成本变更的调整 113
  • 14. Contract Price and Payment 合同价与付款 114
  • 14.1 The Contract Price 合同价 114
  • 14.2 Advance Payment 预付款 114
  • 14.3 Application for Interim Payments 临时付款申请 116
  • 14.4 Payment Procedures 付款程序 116
  • 14.5 Plant and Material Intended for the worked 用于工程的设备和材料 116
  • 14.6 Interim Payments 临时付款 116
  • 14.7 Timing of Interim Payments 临时付款时间安排 116
  • 14.8 Delayed Payment 延期付款 116
  • 14.9 Payment Withheld and Retention 扣留和保留付款 117
  • 14.10 Statement at Completion 竣工报表 118
  • 14.11 Application for Final Payment 结算申请 119
  • 14.12 Discharge 清帐 119
  • 14.13 Final Payment 结算 119
  • 14.14 Cessation of Employer’s Liability 业主责任停止 119
  • 14.15 Currencies of Payment 付款货币 119
  • 14.16 Taxes and Duties 税金和关税 121
  • 14.17 Payment Disputes 付款争议 121
  • 15. Termination by Employer 业主终止 121
  • 15.1 Notice to Correct 纠正通知 121
  • 15.2 Termination by Employer 业主终止 121
  • 15.3 Valuation at date of Termination 终止之日估价 125
  • 15.4 Payment after Termination 终止后付款 127
  • 15.5 Employer’s Entitlement to Termination 业主终止权 127
  • 16. Suspension and Termination by Contractor 承包商中止和终止 128
  • 16.1 Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work 承包商中止工程权 128
  • 16.2 Termination by Contractor 承包商终止 129
  • 16.3 Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment 停止工作和清除承包商设备 130
  • 16.4 Payment on Termination 终止时付款 131
  • 17. Risk and Responsibility 风险与责任 131
  • 17.1 Indemnities 赔偿 131
  • 17.2 Contractor’s Care of the Works承包商照看工程 133
  • 17.3 Employer’s Risks 业主风险 134
  • 17.4 Consequences of Employer’s Risks 业主风险后果 135
  • 17.5 Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights 知识产权与工业产权 135
  • 17.6 Limitation of Liability 责任限制 137
  • 18. Insurance 保险 138
  • 18.1. General Requirements for Insurance 保险一般要求 138
  • 18.2. Cargo Insurance 货物保险 141
  • 18.3. Construction All Risk Insurance 施工综合保险 143
  • 18.4. Construction Equipment Insurance 施工设备保险 146
  • 18.5. Third Party Liability Insurance 第三者责任险 146
  • 18.6. Insurance for Contractor’s Personnel 承包商工作人员保险 147
  • 18.7. Professional Indemnity Insurance for Contractor’s Consultants / Engineers 147
  • 承包商顾问和工程师职业责任保险 147
  • 18.8. Approval of Insurance Policies 保单批准 148
  • 19. Force Majeure 不可抗力 148
  • 19.1 Definition of Force Majeure 不可抗力定义 148
  • 19.2 Notice of Force Majeure 不可抗力通知 149
  • 19.3 Duty to Minimise Delay 最大限度地缩短延期义务 149
  • 19.4 Consequences of Force Majeure 不可抗力后果 150
  • 19.5 Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor 影响销售商的不可抗力 150
  • 19.6 Optional Termination, Payment and Release 选择性终止、付款和免责 150
  • 19.7 Release from Performance under the Law免除依法履约责任 152
  • 20. Claims, Disputes and Arbitration 索赔、争议和仲裁 153
  • 20.1 Contractor’s Claims 承包商索赔 153
  • 20.2 Amicable Settlement 友好解决 155
  • 20.3 Arbitration 仲裁 156
  • 20.4 Works to Continue 工程继续进行 156
  • 20.5 Time Limit for Arbitration 仲裁时间期限 157
  • 20.6 Language and place for Arbitration 仲裁语言与地点 157


国际项目施工合同范本(中英文 159页),分为总则、业主、 业主的管理、承包商、设计、职员和劳工,永久设备、材料和工艺,开工、延误和暂停,竣工试验、业主接收、缺陷责任、竣工后试验、变更与调整、合同价与付款、业主终止、承包商中止和终止、风险与责任、保险、不可抗力及索赔、争议和仲裁等部分,内容详尽,值得参考,可根据实际情况直接修改部分内容即可。




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